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Scopetrex PCB and rare parts |
Scopetrex PCB only |
0 in stock | 7 in stock |
The Scopetrex is a project by Tube Time for recreating the original Vectrex circuit on a modern PCB using components that are more easily available today. It is designed for displaying on a cathode-ray oscilloscope with an X-Y mode, or other vector display. Construction details, PCB layout, and schematics are at GitHub. These PCBs have been manufactured based on the Rev. 1.1 design files from the GitHub page - the controller boards are not included. The parts list includes part numbers for ordering almost all the parts from Mouser, except for the sound chip, the CPU, and the right-angle cartridge socket. For your convenience, these rarer parts are available to buy here with the PCB. The included models are a YM2149F for the sound chip (substituted for the original AY3-8912, as allowed for in the Scopetrex design), and an EF68A09EP CPU (select the "E-suffix" parts list to suit this chip). Note that when using the YM2149F sound chip, extra pull-up resistors are required for use with the VecAdapt controller adapters. See notes on performing this and other mods to the Scopetrex design. The EEPROM used in the Scopetrex design may by out of stock. It also needs programming with a compatible programmer. Although this model of chip isn't available, our OmberROM programming service can supply a AT27C256R-70PU non-erasable EPROM which will also work. However in that case a modification to the PCB needs to be performed during construction, which is also described in the notes. |