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PiTrex Blog Begins
I'm not commiting to using this blog yet, but here's a test to see if it works and to welcome the creation of this wiki.
Editing currently requires a password which will be distributed to individuals active in PiTrex development. These are currently:
- Graham Toal gtoal-AT-gtoal.com (idea and software)
- Kevin Koster email
(hardware and wiki)
- James Churchill (hardware)
- Chris Salomon (software)
Unlisted Email addresses can be (hopefully) added above upon request.
The initial aim for the blog is to host a roadmap for development. I've also added links to uncreated pages detailing the implementation of PiTrex hardware and software. To create them, click on one and write something. To create another page, add a link for it to the menu (the left textarea box on the editing page), then click on the new link to edit the new page. More info about editing and the markup language is at Wiki_style.
There is no user account system. If you want to be noticed, it may be possible to sign manually on the recent changes page, or within the article (where appropriate).
A backup system will run once a day to save copies of all articles to an archive . A link will be provided to those archives when this has been set up. Backups of uploaded files may have to be kept offline if it looks like taking up too much space.
Happy wiki-ing, and long live the Vectrex!
Kevin Koster.